Health and Social Care Board approves regional model for day opportunities

At the May Board meeting, Health and Social Care Board Members approved a regional model for day opportunities for adults with a learning disability.

Following public consultation which ran from September 2013 until January 2014, 262 responses were received from a range of stakeholders including adults with a learning disability, carers, political representatives and organisations. There was general agreement from the consultation that the proposed model is consistent with the vision set out in the Bamford Review and confirmed in Transforming Your Care and that it is the right direction of travel.

Taking account of the views expressed during the consultation, a number of changes will be made to the priorities and proposals for implementation. These include:

  • Choice - The feedback from the consultation has highlighted the importance of offering real choice to people with learning disabilities in what services they use, where they receive their day opportunities and who they receive them from.
  • Service quality - One of the most important factors for people was that of quality and security of service.
  • Future services - The feedback highlighted the need for alternatives to be in place before any changes are made.
  • Access and criteria for day centres - It is essential that individuals receive their services following a clear assessment of need and that criteria should not exclude individuals but should enable them to make an informed decision around the choices available to them.
  • Post school education - Many consultation responses highlighted that individuals should have the opportunity to develop their skills through further education.
  • Transport - Concerns that the availability of transport would affect access to services, particularly in rural areas, would need to be addressed.
  • Resource implications - Additional resources are required to ensure the full implementation of this model across Northern Ireland.

Following the May Board meeting, Aidan Murray, Assistant Director of Mental Health and Learning Disability, Health and Social Care Board, said:

“I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this important consultation. The proposed new model for day opportunities, while representing a significant change, is essential to ensure a modern, sustainable and quality service for all adults with a learning disability.

“There are many good examples of redesign, diversification and innovation across all Trust areas and across different areas of peoples’ lives, from social and leisure to education and employment – all of which offer more choice in the way people can be involved in the community with support.

“There will always be a place for day centres and the consultation has shown that a wider choice of day opportunities is increasingly important to people who use day services.

“Work will now commence to review how current services meet the regional model and to identify the resources and changes required to implement a consistent quality approach. Services will be designed locally within this framework and consulted upon locally as appropriate. It is estimated that the programme for redevelopment of day opportunities may take up to five years to complete in some areas.”

Download the post-consultation report from

Last updated 10 years 1 month ago