Have your say on day opportunities for adults with a learning disability

The Health and Social Care Board is encouraging everyone with an interest in the day opportunities model available to adults with a learning disability to make sure they respond with their views.

The public consultation on a regional day opportunities model for adults with a learning disability will close at 5pm on Friday 10 January 2014.

The consultation document considers a regional model which sets out the need to both improve day centres for people with complex healthcare and behavioural support needs, and community based day opportunities.

To download the consultation documentation visit the consultation section of Health and Social Care Board website: http://www.hscboard.hscni.net/consult/Consultation-Day_Opportunities_for_Adults_with_Learning_Disability/index.html

Responses or requests for further information or alternative formats should be emailed to [email protected] or in writing to: Day Opportunities, Social Care Directorate, Health and Social Care Board, 12-22 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BS or telephone 028 9032 1313.

Following the end of the consultation period, the Health and Social Care Board will consider all the responses and make relevant recommendations for implementation.

Last updated 10 years 6 months ago