Have you pounds 'a round' to cash in?

The Consumer Council is encouraging consumers to check their homes for old round £1 coins, following the announcement that 169 million of the coins remain unreturned.

Round £1 coins were replaced by the 12-sided, two-tone version in March last year, and round coins ceased being legal tender from October 2017. However, round coins can still be swapped at banks. The Royal Mint confirmed this week that some 169 million coins have not been returned. 

Philippa McKeown-Brown, Head of Consumer Empowerment and Protection at The Consumer Council, said: “Check your piggy-banks and money jars for round £1 coins. Although no longer legal tender, these coins can still be exchanged at your bank for the new version.”

For more information visit www.thenewpoundcoin.com

Last updated 5 years 10 months ago