Happy New You!

Whatever your New Year's resolution- weight loss, fitness, get healthy or undertake a challenge in 2012 sign up for the Addiction NI 10K Run today! The race takes place on March 11 2012 and will keep you motivated to maintain your resolutions.

It's easy to discard your New Year resolutions by the end of January but by signing up to the Addiciton NI 10K  in March you will stay motivated and have a better chance of success. Don't fail your resolutions this year and make a real difference to your health and the wellbeing of others by taking part and supporting Addiction NI! Start this New Year on a positive note and help us provide treatment, advice and support for those with drug and alcohol problems.

So whether you want to get fit, drop a dress size or just lose those christmas pounds, sign up the Addiction NI 10K Run.

For more information follow the link.


To sign up for the Addiction NI 10K Run go to http://db.niathletics.org/ps/event/AddictionNI10k

Best of Luck

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago