'Hands Off' Universal Pensioner Benefits

How valuable are the winter fuel payment and bus pass to the people you work with? If the answer is VERY, then please join us in saying ‘Hands Off’ to those suggesting such benefits should be means-tested, and promote the campaign amongst your membership.

Age Sector Platform is leading the UK-wide ‘Hands Off’ campaign in Northern Ireland.  With over 70,000 signatures in support of the campaign across the UK so far, we are calling on organisations across Northern Ireland to help us defend the need for universal pensioner benefits like the winter fuel payment, bus pass, free prescriptions and TV licences for over 75s.

Many of the main UK political parties have suggested that these universal pensioner benefits could be under threat following the next general election in 2015 (not forgetting the NI Assembly Election in 2016) so NOW is the time to make your voice heard!

What you can do to help:

  • Visit the www.handsoff.org.uk website
  • Download the paper petition or phone 028 9031 2089 to request a batch of petitions
  • Write an e-mail or letter to your local MP
  • Follow the campaign on Twitter @supporthandsoff
  • Pledge your organisation/group’s official support for the campaign by emailing [email protected] or using website contact form
  • Encourage your membership to collect signatures for the petition (anyone over the age of 18 can support the campaign!)


Last updated 9 years 11 months ago