H M Revenue & Customs close all Enquiry Centres

H M Revenue & Customs have closed all their Enquiry Centres from 30 June 2014 and Taxpayers who would normally go there are offered a new helpline telephone number.

From 30 June 2014 H M Revenue & Customs have closed all Enquiry Centres and in their place are offering  telephone helpline numbers. There will also be Extra Support Team Advisers available through this system for taxpayers who require extra assistance and a limited mobile service available.

As part of the Voluntary and Charitable Sector, Tax Help for Older People, will assist taxpayers who are having difficulty dealing with the new system. If the taxpayer is 60 or over with an annual income of £20,000 or less, they are eligible to receive free help and advice on any personal income tax issue either by phone, email, or at a face to face meeting with a tax qualified volunteer.


Last updated 9 years 11 months ago