Graphic Design Images & Infographics

Using Canva to create Graphic Design Images and Infographics will grow your audience on digital media channels for your stories. Canva is a free online software tool which is easy to use. VIEWdigital is hosting a half day workshop on Sept 15

The  VIEWdigital Training Graphic Design & Infographics workshop is led by Dr Ruth Brolly.   Ruth is a graphic designer, lecturer and researcher and brings the benefits of over 25 years professional experience to our engaging infographics workshop. She has worked for many UK newspaper titles in roles including Art Director, Design Editor and Editorial designer. She holds a PhD, a tertiary level teaching qualification and lectures in Graphic Design, while continuing her design practice for private and professional clients. The discounted price for the Community and Voluntary sector is £99

The course will help you develop your story visually.  Participants will come away with:

•Greater knowledge of principles of design and graphic design practice.

•Awareness of typographic and colour principles to apply to your work. •Understand and be able to apply practical design skills to create engaging visuals. •Access to and know how to use free or low cost software to create infographics suited to your organisation’s needs. •Know how to use good design to engage with a wider audience. Contact Una Murphy VIEWdigital  to book a place on this course e: [email protected] and check our training calendar for more information  
Last updated 7 years 9 months ago