Girls camp the healthy way

Girls camp the healthy way

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is lending a helping hand to raise awareness of cancer prevention at Michaela Foundation’s Summer Camps for girls.

The charities will work together at 19 camps across Northern Ireland, each attended by 80 girls (aged 11-13).

At the launch of the partnership, Gerry McElwee, Head of Cancer Prevention, Cancer Focus NI, spoke to over 250 voluntary leaders about the role they will play.

He said: “We are excited to be able to support this wonderful Summer Camp in such a positive way.

“Our key messages to help lower the risk of cancer are around taking exercise, eating healthily, taking care in the sun and not smoking.

“This partnership is a perfect fit for Cancer Focus NI – we are always looking for new ways to show our young people how they can keep healthy both now and for the future.”

Cancer Focus NI has also launched a comprehensive new website along with the Public Health Agency called Care in the Sun (

John McAreavey, of Michaela Foundation, said: “We are delighted to continue our prospering relationship with Cancer Focus NI.

 “Young people are the core of our work and we care deeply about their health. Educating our young people about looking after their bodies, including protecting themselves from the dangerous effects of the sun, is another way we can have a positive influence and we are delighted about that.”

Last year Michaela Foundation and Cancer Focus NI teamed up to raise £75,000 for both charities by organising a Guinness World Record 15-a-side Gaelic football match, with the support of O’Neills International Sportswear.

Since then the charities have worked successfully together on a number of projects.

Cancer Focus NI provides a wide range of services for Northern Ireland cancer patients and their families. These include counselling, family support, a help and information Nurseline (0800 783 3339), bra and swimwear fitting for women who’ve had breast surgery, stop smoking clinics, and cancer prevention in schools, communities and workplaces. The charity also funds breast cancer research at Queen’s University Belfast.

 Michaela Foundation, inspired by the life and values of Michaela McAreavey, aims to support and inspire young people in Ireland to lead happy and fulfilled lives without limits. Michaela Foundation organises summer camps and other initiatives for young people that encourage the practice of all the values that Michaela, her family and friends hold dear, such as the Irish language, faith, fun, well-being and fashion.




Last updated 7 years ago