Giga Training Community Newsletter

All the news and information for current and upcoming Giga Training events, programmes and opportunities.

Film Making Project for Banbrdige - NEET Programmes - Summer Schemes - Springboard App Design Programme

Since you last heard form us we've been busy engaging a wide range of people in programmes ranging from DJing and App Design to Animation and Film Making. We have delivered training programmes to 684 young people since Sept 2012, 207 of whom have or are on track to gain Accreditation at Level 1 or above.

In this newsletter we'll catch up on some of the exciting programmes we've been involved in plus we give you the inside scoop on some up and coming projects and events that you may like to get involved with.

If you would be interested in finding out what Giga Training can offer your group or where to find suitable avenues of funding, please contact us on 02895 811202, or via email

Click here for the full newsletter. 

Last updated 11 years 9 months ago