Getting Out There Project

The Getting Out There project is a 3yr project (Jan 2013 to Dec 2015) managed by Newtownabbey Senior Citizens Forum and which is now in its second year.

Year one included:

The Men’s 50+ Programme (95 men attended weekly Programmes and Activities)

Activities included, Cycling, Digital Photography, Healthy Cooking, Giro Project, Industrail History and Local Heritage, Sport and Physical Activities, Walking, Music etc.

Out in the Communtiy (Getting Out There Activities and Programmes delivered in Local Community venues) 215 participants took part, activities included, Indoor Bowling, Tai Chi, Line Dancing, Boccia, Target Games, Crochet and Knitting, Tea Dances, Weekly walks and Art. Other activities included  a Garden party and Museum viisits.

Folds and Care Homes  we delivered 78 sessions totaling 88hrs of activity within Local Folds and Care Homes.  In the first year we had 105 residents participating on the programme (80 Female and 25 male). Weekly Activities included, Boccia, Newage Kurling, Target games, Chairbased Activities (aka Armchair Aerobics) other activities included a Garden Party and Reminiscencing sessions (DVDs and discussion)

In summary, the first year of the “Getting Out There” project has been a great success. With a total of 316 individual participants (95 male 30% and 221 female 70%) taking part in 406 sessions (660 hrs) offering 14x different types of Activity.

If you know of any group or individual you think may benefit from the project or similarly the project may benefit from, please contact Robert McQuiston, Newtownabbey Senior Citizens Forum on 028 9083 8848 or email




Last updated 10 years 7 months ago