Future Funding Watch – Calling for evidence from the sector

Future Funding Watch – Calling for evidence from the sector

Less than two years after NICVA’s 2015 Cutswatch campaign, we may be facing into yet another funding crisis for the community and voluntary sector.

The recent political crisis and subsequent election currently leaves us budgetless after March, and unclear as yet who will be deciding on the future allocation of the £500 million of government funding which the sector receives in grants and contracts to deliver vital public services and benefits. 

If, after the 2nd March election, the political parties are still unable to reach agreement on a new Assembly Executive and budget within the month, then it is yet to be seen how, and by whom (whether by Civil Servants or Direct Rule Ministers) decisions on future funding for the sector next year will be made, and with ongoing pressure on public budgets and no government to prioritise spend, what cuts may follow.  The experience of previous cuts to funding to the sector in 2015 highlights the vulnerability of this funding when such pressures exist.

NICVA has been meeting with key officials to highlight our concerns about this issue and in order to ensure we have as full as picture as possible of the impacts of current and potential future cuts in government funding for the sector, we have launched an online survey to gather relevant information.  We will use the results of the survey to support our efforts to bring this issue to the attention on policy and decision-makers so please do contribute.

To complete the survey please click here.


 Please complete by Friday, 3rd March at 4pm.



Last updated 7 years 4 months ago