Tina Calder of Excalibur Press & The Content Club

Free Webinar To Help Businesses Win At Press & Publicity

How to achieve success in press and publicity activity will be unveiled in a free webinar tomorrow (Wednesday, June 10).

How to achieve success in press and publicity activity will be unveiled in a free webinar tomorrow (Wednesday, June 10).

The latest in a series of free webinars from Excalibur Press, delivered by Tina Calder, the world of PR will be mapped out and pathways marked to achieve campaign goals.

The 90-minute video and slide session How To Win at Press and Publicity will help attendees learn how to increase their profile within their own industry and beyond.

“In this latest free webinar I will discuss what the press want and how to engage with them,” Tina explained. “It will include top tips, secrets and tools you need and how to leverage social media from the activities to save you time and money.”

Starting at 3pm on Wednesday the webinar is designed for those not in the communications industry, but is also open to those in PR, comms, marketing, content and associated industries.

“As founder or Excalibur Press I will bring my 20 years of experience in press, publicity, content creation and copywriting in Northern Ireland together with advice and insight into the local industry,” said Tina.

The free webinar will uncover how to increase your profile, what the press really want, leveraging social media, how to engage with journalists and broadcasters, creation tools to revolutionise activity as well as secrets that will save time and money.

“We've set aside an hour and a half for this overview webinar which will help you start thinking about what you need to do to begin connecting with the right people, we'll also look at some of the ways you maybe haven't thought of to get the message out there,” Tina said.

Throughout the session Tina aims to simplify the process, as well as an opportunity for questions and answers to give attendees real and practical tips and advice.

How To Win At Press & Publicity is part of a series of weekly webinars delivered by Tina and the team at Excalibur Press. On Thursday this week she will present A Guide To Creating An Ebook For Your Business whilst next week will see attendees joining webinars on Supercharge Your LinkedIn With Great Content on Wednesday June 17 and Blogging For Business on Thursday June 18. 

Register for How To Win At Press & Publicity at https://bit.ly/305zJqz

For details of forthcoming free webinars go to https://excaliburpress.co.uk/events


Last updated 4 years 9 months ago