Free trees to green up your town – for a limited time only!

Charity is giving away half a million trees and is urging groups to snap them up before they all go

The Woodland Trust is putting over half a million trees up for grabs to be planted towards the end of this year.

Schools and community groups can apply online now for free tree packs – in different sizes and themes – to make their schools, neighbourhoods and communities greener. The packs will be delivered this November.

Community groups such as sports clubs, Brownies, Scouts and many more can apply for either a small pack (30 trees), medium pack (105 trees), or a large pack (420 trees).

Schools are automatically eligible for free packs of 30 trees, in either a 'hedge' or 'copse' theme, but can apply to be considered for the medium and large packs if they wish.

Schools and communities applying for the medium and large tree packs can choose from six themes – trees ideal for year-round colour, wild harvest, wildlife, wetland, working wood and wild wood.

Beverley Gormley, the Trust's tree packs project manager, said: "Planting trees is a simple yet effective way to improve our environment, and with this fantastic offer it couldn’t be easier. It’s also the perfect way to get communities doing something meaningful together, which will bring benefits for years to come. We hope as many people as possible will snap up the tree packs before they run out!”

Trees provide habitats and food for wildlife, they produce oxygen, absorb carbon and lower pollution. When planted in the right places, they can help reduce flooding by breaking up hard ground with their roots, allowing water to be absorbed into the soil more easily. They give us shelter and shade, and a source of timber, fuel, fruit and nuts. Planting trees creates a real legacy for the future. 

To apply for your free tree pack, head to

The tree packs have been generously funded by lead partners IKEA FAMILY, Biffa Award and Sainsbury’s, and also by WHSmith, Wilkinson and players of People’s Postcode Lottery.



Last updated 10 years 4 months ago