Free resources help champion local volunteering

Volunteer involving organisations throughout Northern Ireland are invited to order FREE resources to help them recognise and thank the volunteers in their community as part of Volunteers’ Week 1–7 June 2015.

This year in Northern Ireland we will be encouraging organisations to highlight their Volunteer Champions and those individuals who make a difference through volunteering commitment.


Wendy Osborne, Chief Executive, Volunteer Now said, “There are currently over a quarter of a million volunteers in Northern Ireland who all play a vital role; from volunteer drivers to sports coaches, from hospital volunteers to those working in charity shops.  Volunteers’ Week gives us the opportunity to shine the spotlight on these volunteers and give them the recognition and thanks they deserve.” 


She added: “We hope voluntary and community groups and charities will order the special volunteer pins and certificates (free to volunteer involving organisations in Northern Ireland) to support their participation in Volunteers’ Week ”


Volunteer involving organisations can access these resources by downloading the order form from or contact: [email protected].    Orders must be placed before 22nd May 2015.



Last updated 9 years ago