Out&About Mentoring

Free Mentoring for LGBTQ Women

Out&About: Having coffee, a chat, finding a space to breathe.. Being a young LGBTQ woman in Northern Ireland can be difficult. Intentional support by a mentor helps to bring about positive change.

Research continues to illustrate the difficulties faced by young women growing up LGTBQ. Youth Action Northern Ireland is delighted to continue its mentoring programme for young LGBTQ women aged 16-25 across Northern Ireland.

The programme is based on the idea that having an informal, supportive and intentional relationship with a youth worker can bring about positive change. One-to-one sessions seek to support young women in identifying some of the personal barriers they are facing, to adopt action-oriented approaches to these, while developing further support networks.

Where: Mentors are based in Belfast, North West and Fermanagh, with a NI wide remit

Time: Individuals can access 10x 90 minute sessions

Costs: There is no cost for this programme. Referrals from YouthAction member organisations will be prioritised

For further information, referrals or to register contact:
[email protected] (Belfast)
[email protected] (Derry/L’Derry)
[email protected] (Fermanagh)

Last updated 6 years 4 months ago