First Unltd/Santander Spark Award is Given in Northern Ireland

Neil Irwin, founder of niFundraising is the latest recipient of the UK-wide Spark Award scheme (and the first in Northern Ireland) that aims to support people with a track record of making a difference in their communities.

UnLtd, the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs, have partnered with Santander to launch a new initiative to create a network of support for social enterprises in the UK.

The Spark campaign aims to create support networks for social entrepreneurs looking to address community needs. The two-year campaign will work with experienced social entrepreneurs to encourage the ‘passing on’ of advice and support to a new wave of social enterprise start-ups.

The scheme is being run by UnLtd and Santander to support people like Neil to pass on their knowledge, skills and experience to others - in the hope that more people will take a lead role in making their communities a better place to live.

GETTING CROWDFUNDING GOING. This initiative aims to stimulate other potential leaders in the area and will benefit social entrepreneurs, charities and other not-for-profits. The first event takes place on 11 December at the MAC. For more details and to book attendance visit the event page on Eventbrite

Sheralee Morris of Santander says “UnLtd’s extensive network of social entrepreneurs will help to champion the Spark award scheme and give practical guidance to communities looking to tackle issues in their neighbourhoods through enterprise. By working with experienced entrepreneurs we’re hoping to help local communities create sustainable, practical enterprises that address social needs.”

Social entrepreneurs looking to engage with other entrepreneurs across their own networks or regions are able to apply for up to £500 to launch their initiative.

Contact details:

If you would like further information about Neil Irwin please contact Neil either on 078 0563 6699 or

If you would like to be involved in this Spark initiative, or to see further information on the campaign visit or email us at

UnLtd is the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in the UK and offers the largest such network in the world. UnLtd resources hundreds of individuals each year through its core Awards programme. UnLtd operates a unique model by investing directly in individuals and offering a complete package of resources; from Awards of funding, to on-going advice, networking and practical support. 


Last updated 11 years 4 months ago