The First Five Years...

The First Five Years...

Five years ago today we started on a journey with a new company when OR Training & Personal Development Ltd was incorporated on the 4th January 2013.

It was one of those exciting, terrifying and exhilarating moments in life when you find yourself alternating between telling yourself

'We've actually done it!'...

and then asking yourself

'What have we done?!'

The journey ever since has certainly lived up to its initial billing!

I can't say it's always been easy or plain sailing and as anyone who has ever taken that big deep breath and then jumped off the precipice into the unknown of starting their own business can tell you, at times, it's hard to know whether you're flying or free-falling.

There have been challenges and difficulties and mistakes aplenty. There have been tough times and digging deep and lots of late night soul searching...

... And there have also been incredible experiences and learning and opportunities to work and collaborate with the most amazing people doing the most extraordinary things and it's been such a privilege to play a part in that.

One thing I have absolutely learned on the journey so far is that no-one builds anything on their own.

At least, nothing worthwhile.

We have been so fortunate to have worked with the most wonderful clients, students, associates, partners, individuals and organisations right across Ireland and the UK.

All looking to make a positive difference in their own unique way and often completely unsung in the work that they do. It has been an honour to be able to share in those efforts and to make our own contribution, too.

I am so proud to say that as OR has grown, our Graduates and Associates are now out there making a positive impact in areas as diverse as Business, Education, Health, Sport and Politics and we work with some of NI's most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Community & Voluntary Sectors.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have helped, supported, worked with us, offered advice and even cheered us on when we really needed it...

We couldn't have done it all without you.

I wish you all the very best for 2018 and for all the adventures that the next five years have in store!




Michael Dunlop is an award winning* NLP Trainer, Coach and Master Practitioner. In addition to his Coaching and Professional Consultancy work, Michael is also a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Ulster on ‘Developing Leadership Competencies’ at Masters Degree Level and has worked with some of NI’s most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Community & Voluntary Sectors.

Michael is also an International Ambassador for the Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP), the Association for NLP Professionals.


*’Best Organisational Training Provider’ & ‘Leadership Coach of the Year’ 

at the 2017 Northern Ireland Enterprise Awards hosted by SME News




At OR, we believe in the power of choice.

You can put up with the same old issues, problems and frustrations in your life, work or organisation...


You can choose to do something different.

We work with people and organisations who are ready to make a difference and get better results in life.

With our particular expertise in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Leadership & Systems Thinking Skills, we provide NLP Coaching, Training & Consultancy for both individual clients and organisations to help you to think, communicate, and act more effectively, to improve your results and to empower you to meet the challenges of life and work with confidence. 

Alongside our training, coaching and consultancy with individuals, groups and businesses we also work 'in-house' with some of Northern Ireland's most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Third Sectors.

If you’d like to find out more about our Services for yourself or for your organisation, you can contact us directly at [email protected] or call us on 07833230136 or visit our website


What can we do to help you make a difference?

Last updated 6 years 5 months ago