firmus energy brings ‘a little warmth’ to Riverside Special School

The new Mayor of Antrim, Councillor Roy Thompson, was at Riverside Special School last week to help local company, firmus energy, launch its ‘warming communities’ initiative.

The new Mayor of Antrim, Councillor Roy Thompson, was at Riverside Special School last week to help local company, firmus energy, launch its ‘warming communities’ initiative. The campaign kicked off at Riverside where firmus energy’s task was to help improve the landscape of the school grounds by replanting new trees and vibrant blossoming shrubs.


This was the first volunteering event in firmus energy’s revised CSR campaign in which they aim to create a positive impact on local communities throughout Northern Ireland. Michael Scott, general manager for firmus energy, explained, “We have been committed to supporting the communities in which we work since firmus energy began in 2005. Every year we re-evaluate our community support and this year it was agreed that the ‘warming communities’ initiative would give our employees an opportunity to really get more involved with  local communities.’’


“Involvement in the community and an increased commitment to creating a positive impact within local areas are just two key values which underpin our CSR campaign. Our goal is to regenerate areas which require some love and attention across the towns and cities in which firmus energy operates. It was only natural that our new initiative was launched in Antrim where our HQ is also based and where we have been welcomed into the community so warmly.


“In the spirit of the firmus energy ethos of clarity, integrity and empathy we will be expanding our volunteering across the province which will not only benefit the areas in which we work, but also improve employee satisfaction through involvement in a variety of projects which give back to the local community.”


Colin Ward, principal for Riverside Special School was delighted with the work of the firmus energy team. He said, “I would like to thank firmus energy for all their hard work and dedication to making the grounds of the school more attractive and welcoming for the children. Although their area of expertise is based in natural gas and energy provision, we were all very impressed with the standard of their landscaping skills!


 “We have around 50 pupils aged from 4 – 19 years and firmus energy did a great job in ensuring that everyone was involved. They organised a painting session for those who could not help with the gardening and finished off the day with a delicious barbecue which the children thoroughly enjoyed.”


Michael concluded, “It was a great start to our initiative and I would like to thank all the pupils at Riverside Special School for their help as well as to Mr. Ward and his team for their support and enthusiasm. Once the trees and shrubs grow, I hope this will give the school a little added privacy as well as ‘warming the surroundings’ for  the children and teachers.’’

Last updated 11 years 3 months ago