Financial Advice & Information for Employee's

Our Social Enterprise can now provide Live and/or Recorded Financial Wellbeing Webinars to help Employee's & Community Groups through the Covid19 crisis. Many people are struggling Financially to adjust, so we can help with Financial information & advice

Our Social Enterprise can now provide Live and/or Recorded Financial Wellbeing Webinars to help Employee's & Community Groups through the Covid19 crisis.

Many people are struggling Financially to adjust, so we can help with Financial information & advice.


The Webinars cover areas such as :

Budget Planning

Mortgages / Insurance


Managing Money


Savings and many more...

They last approx 30-45 mins

If interested please contact [email protected] or call 07732 704808

We are based in the NICVA Building which is closed due to Corona Virus Guidelines.


Last updated 3 years 10 months ago