Final chance to enroll on free deaf awareness training - last few places up for grabs!

This is the very last chance for organisations to avail of FREE deaf awareness training, funded by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, and provided by Action on Hearing Loss.

Free Deaf Awareness – still time to register your interest!

One in six people has some level of hearing loss - in Northern Ireland, that equates to 300,000 people. Improving deaf awareness and accessibility has many benefits. It opens up an organisation to people with hearing loss, enhances brand equity, improves customer service and helps meet the legal requirements of equality legislation and accessible design.

Action on Hearing Loss is the leading hearing loss charity that has been supporting people who are deaf or have hearing loss for over 100 years. Their  deaf awareness training aims to create an awareness and understanding of the communication needs of people who are deaf or hard of hearing, the various methods of communication support and the opportunity to learn some basic sign language.

These sessions were a great success in 2012/13, reaching 20 organisations and roughly 300 people from the voluntary and community sector. Rolled out again for 2013/14 thanks to renewed funding from DCAL, the training programme has been ongoing across the province since last November, and has almost come to an end. Just one more session is due to take place, at Harvester House in Belfast on 5 March.

Judging by the feedback already received from organisations that have been trained, this is an opportunity not to be missed:

"The feedback from attendees at this session was extremely positive. Personally, I felt this was one of the most enjoyable and interactive training sessions I have EVER been on! The trainer, Paul Stewart, was just brilliant!

The following day, Age NI made changes to certain procedures based on the recommendations from Paul.

This is definitely a worthwhile session that everyone should attend!" - Age NI

“We found the session really worthwhile and really enjoyed the teaching style. These introductory information sessions are of great benefit especially in raising awareness in local communities.” - Ballybeen Women’s Centre

“This training opportunity was much needed… am delighted we had opportunity to understand a little of what it is like not to be able to hear.”  - Derry Well Woman Centre

For more information or to register a place on 5 March, have a look at the Community NI event listing, email [email protected], or call Liz Facer on 0161 276 2312 (calls welcome via Text Relay).

Last updated 10 years 4 months ago