OVER 100 families, friends and colleagues paired up today (Sunday 5th June) for the inaugural Centra Run Together event at Ormeau Park, raising vital funds for local charity Action Cancer.


First ever Centra 5k pairs run takes place for Action Cancer 

OVER 100 families, friends and colleagues paired up today (Sunday 5th June) for the inaugural Centra Run Together event at Ormeau Park, raising vital funds for local charity Action Cancer. 

Run Together is a set of four 5k races taking place across Belfast, Mid Ulster and Derry between June and October which encourage you to run with your partner, son, daughter, friend or neighbour. 

Leading convenience retailer Centra developed the new series of fun runs to feed the recent upsurge in ‘social runners’ in Northern Ireland whilst raising funds for Action Cancer. 

The event saw more than 50 pairs make their way around Ormeau Park to receive a bespoke medal, T-shirt and goody bag and enjoy a host of activities including a Q radio roadshow with prizes and giveaways.  

Event organiser, Johnny Davis from Pioneer Group said: “We’ve had a fantastic turnout for our first ever Centra Run Together pairs event.  The series of runs are one of a kind in Northern Ireland and it’s great to see everyone from regular club runners and ParkRunners to those who are new to running taking part and having fun.  
“We’re looking forward to taking our pairs series on tour around Northern Ireland and our next stop is Derry~Londonderry on 22nd June so make sure you pair up and sign up early to take part,” he added. 

Centra Marketing Director Michelle Fennell said: “Our inaugural Centra Run Together event was a great success with family and friends pairing up to motivate and support each other around the course whilst helping raise funds for Action Cancer.

“I would encourage anyone who missed out this time to sign up for our Derry~Londonderry event on 22nd June.  It’s a fun and novel way to motivate you and your running buddy to get fit and get involved in your local community,” she added.

Gillian Thomson, Corporate Fundraising Officer for charity partner Action Cancer said: “We’re delighted to be involved in the Centra Run Together 5k series. The teamwork spirit created a great atmosphere at the event with such a variety of people taking part, whether it was just for fun or part of a training regime.  

“Cancer touches so many people from all walks of life and all profits and sponsorship money from this event will go towards helping families throughout Northern Ireland by delivery life-saving services right to their doorstep,” she added.

For further information and registration details for the Derry~Londonderry Run Together event visit www.centra.co.uk/runtogether or www.facebook.com/CentraNI 

Last updated 8 years ago