Facilitative Leadership Workshop 17-19 April 2012

New leadership thinking compels us to respect the value and diversity that each person brings and to share power and decision-making. The challenge is how to do this! Facilitative Leadership® provides the skills, and tools that support this new thinking.


Benefits for Participants

This transformational learning experience is a forum for exploring the relationship between leadership and participation that builds on your every day challenges as a basis for practice.  You will learn to set and maintain strategic direction and momentum while enabling people to participate, take risks, innovate and own the outcomes. As a result of your attendance your organisation or community will experience increased productivity, more ownership and alignment, deeper relationships and levels of commitment and more effective participation in interagency collaborations and community based partnerships.


Facilitative Leadership is built around seven key leadership practices.  These are:

Share an Inspiring Vision - communicating your vision in a way that inspires and enrolls team members in its pursuit

Focus on Results, Process and Relationships - recognising that success is measured across three dimensions; results (achievement of goals), process (how the work gets done) and relationships (cultivating trust and respect in the community/workplace)

Seek Maximum Appropriate Involvement - building commitment and improving the quality of decisions by getting maximum appropriate stakeholder involvement in the decision making process

Facilitate Agreement - strategies and skills for keeping team meetings on track and gaining consensus from stakeholders with disparate points of view and needs; an understanding of how leaders add value to group processes without necessarily having to be content experts or decision makers

Design Pathways to Action - a collaborative project planning tool that maps out a series of conversations and their objectives to help teams (stakeholders) move from their current situation to their desired future state

Coach for Performance - a coaching model that focuses on how managers and employees share responsibility for the success of coaching interventions and results not only in performance improvement, but also in an employee with an increased sense of personal satisfaction with his/her work

Celebrate Accomplishment - building an environment which recognises the contributions of employees by conveying appreciation and value for them and which acknowledges them in a meaningful way.


In this workshop, you will specifically learn to:

  • Create a vision of success and enrol others in its pursuit 
  • Lead collaborative planning and problem solving discussions 
  • Decide who should be involved in making decisions & how to involve them 
  • Coach and inspire others to perform at their best 
  • Design meetings, project plans and change strategies with concrete milestones and clear accountability that people understand and support 
  • Consider the three dimensions of success: results, process, and relationships 
  • Celebrate accomplishment in authentic and motivating ways 


When you complete the Facilitative Leadership® workshop, you will have greater confidence in your ability to navigate difficult situations, advocate for change and lead collaborative processes. You will be able to make and implement decisions more quickly and have more influence over your own and others’ success.


Who Should Attend:

  • Directors, CEOs and managers of organisations
  • Formal leaders who are responsible for the performance of others
  • Team leaders and supervisors
  • Development officers & project leaders
  • Neighbourhood and community workers & leaders
  • Informal leaders such as development consultants


DATES:                       17th – 19th April, 2012, 9:30 am – 5:00pm

VENUE:                      Groundwork, Duncairn Gardens, Belfast

COST:                         £395, includes all materials and lunch


For more information or to register please contact:


                                   PO Box969

                                    Belfast BT5 9AN

EMAIL:                        [email protected]

TEL:                            0044 (0) 2890 803296

WEBSITE:                   www.interactioninstitute.org

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago