Stronger Together EUSS Support Project

EU Settlement Scheme - One year to Go!

EU/EEA citizens living in the UK have until 30th June 2021 to apply to EUSS to secure their immigration status and rights

On Tuesday 30 June, we marked a year to go’ until the deadline for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS). Each EU/EEA citizen living in UK, including children, must apply to the Scheme to secure their immigration status post-Brexit and protect their rights here.

While there is still plenty of time to apply, this milestone is a great opportunity for us to work together to encourage and help people to apply.

Stronger Together Consortium have been funded by the Home Office to provide help and support to vulnerable EU citizens  with this process since April 2019 and to date we have assisted 25 000 people in making an application out of a total of 58 600 applications made in Northern Ireland until April 2020.  However, many including those most vulnerable, have not yet applied.

Stronger Together EUSS partner organizations work across the whole Northern Ireland and provide free bilingual and local support as well as specialised immigration advice within established and trusted ethnic minority support organizations in applying to the Scheme as well accessing other public & community services.

We would be grateful if you could disseminate the information about our service to your contacts as well as other networks, individuals and organizations so that people who have yet to apply can access our service and have their rights protected.

As grassroot community organizations we are open to innovative solutions in our efforts to reach out to our target groups and would be happy to host outreach application clinics at events or places regularly attended by EU citizens and their families as well as offer remote individual/group support while covid19 restrictions are still in place. We are also happy to discuss other ways of effectively working together to make sure anyone who needs it will have their status secured and won’t fall prey to hostile environment measures.

Our partners include STEP (Mid Ulster & Belfast), Inter Ethnic Forum (Ballymena & M& E Antrim), YMCA North Down, The Welcome Project Lisburn, Omagh Ethnic Community Support Group, Community Intercultural Programme (Portadown & Craigavon) as well as Children’s Law Centre and Phoenix Law.  Please see our general and individual contact details in the links below.

Our services can be accessed by contacting us on 02887750211 from Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm, email [email protected]  or by contacting our individual partners.

Last updated 3 years 10 months ago