EPALE - ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe

EPALE (ePlatform for Adult Learning in Europe) is the new go-to site for the wide range of stakeholders involved in adult learning http://ec.europa.eu/epale. It will build an on-line community through the sharing of events, articles, resources and blogs.

It features a partner search facility which many thinking of applying for an Erasmus+ grant will find very useful.

EPALE was designed with adult learning professionals in mind, to help you learn from each other and develop professional practice. The website offers lots of useful tools including:

  • a calendar of events
  • a glossary of terms
  • latest news on adult learning
  • resources
  • virtual meeting place

You can exchange teaching materials and good practice as well as ideas and resources with others in Europe.

The website also offers a partner search facility to help you in finding partners to network with and develop joint projects.

We are keen that Northern Ireland stakeholders become involved in accessing and contributing to and building this rich resource. If you want further information contact its NI rep - [email protected]

Last updated 8 years 10 months ago