'Engage' - Men’s Health Training for Trainers Programme
You are invited to apply for a place on a forthcoming Training for Trainers programme which will involve men's health practitioners from across the island of Ireland.
Is engaging men or delivering training part of your work or volunteering activity? Are you interested in becoming a men’s health trainer? ... Then this programme could be for you!
A Men’s Health Training programme (called ‘Engage’) has been developed to meet the growing demand from service providers in Ireland for support to work with men. This programme is founded on national and international best practice, and is setting the Quality Mark in men’s health training in Ireland. During Autumn 2012, the first intake of ‘Engage’ facilitators were recruited and trained, and they are now delivering the programme across the whole island of Ireland (see www.mhfi.org/training.html for more details).
You are invited to apply for a place on the second ‘Engage’ Train the Trainers programme. This will take place on 11th and 12th September and 16th and 17th October 2013. Each block of training will be held in Teach Bhride, Tullow, Co. Carlow, and will involve an overnight residential on each occasion. Participation in this Train the Trainer programme is free.
See www.mhfi.org/engagetraining2013.pdf for more details (PDF file). However, if you require an application form that you can type into, visit www.mhfi.org/engagetraining2013.ppt for a PowerPoint version of this document (please note that this file is 1.54MB in size and will, therefore, take a short while to download).
The deadline for submission of applications is Wednesday 10th July 2013.
For more information on the ‘Engage’ training programme, contact Aoife Osborne by email at: aoife.osborne@itcarlow.ie