Energia prove that slimming down is the best present

Energia has nominated the MS Society as their charity partner for 2012. 35 Energia staff are participating in a 'Pound for Pound' slimming challenge to raise funds for the MS Society.

Staff fromEnergia,Ireland’s largest independent energy supplier, are aiming to drop some pre-Christmas lbs to raise funds for the MS Society.


35 staff are taking part in the ‘lb for Pound’ challenge which aims to encourage staff to shed some extra weight and prove that slimming down is the best Christmas present. At every weigh in, staff donate £1 to the MS Society. Energia has also pledged to donate money for every pound lost by their slimming staff.


The team started the challenged in September and since then they have had fortnightly weigh-ins.


Lesley Carson, HR Co-ordinator, Energia, said: “We wanted to find a fun way to support our charity partner, the MS Society, and encourage our staff to drop some of those unwanted pounds before the festive season. The ‘lb for Pound’ challenge is proving to be a great success. We hope we can lose weight but gain lots of money for the MS Society to support its great work throughoutNorthern Ireland”.


Staff will endure their final weigh-in on 21 December, just in time to tuck into all the tasty festive treats during the Christmas break.


Last updated 11 years 7 months ago