Educational video series for consumers in supported living accommodation

The Consumer Council, in partnership with Triangle Housing, and Mid & East Antrim Borough Council, has developed a five part video series to educate and inform consumers living in supported living accommodation about managing their home energy.

The short videos give step-by-step instructions and tips to help consumers in supported living accommodation with raising an energy complaint, taking a meter reading, improving energy efficiency, what to do when the electricity goes off, and information about care registers for those with additional needs. The videos are presented by TV and radio personality Sonia Butterworth and feature Triangle Housing tenants from Tower Court, Ballymena.

Mark Crawford from The Consumer Council said, “We are delighted to have worked with Triangle Housing and Mid & East Antrim Borough Council to produce this video series. We believe that this will be invaluable to consumers in supported living accommodation, especially as we head back into Autumn/Winter.”

Leanne McCafferty from Triangle Housing, said, “This has been a very exciting project to have been involved in. Working in partnership has enabled us to develop and offer accessible information regarding energy efficiencies within the home, not only for the people we support in Triangle Housing but also for the wider community. The videos offer practical tips that are easy to follow and provide information that empowers an individual and promotes their independence.”

Mayor of Mid & East Antrim Borough Council, Councillor Maureen Morrow, said, “Working with The Consumer Council and Triangle Housing, we have been able to create a video series that provides advice to those living in supported living accommodation. The videos contain helpful information that all residents of Mid & East Antrim Borough Council area may find useful and I encourage everyone to watch the videos for ideas to reduce your energy bill and manage your home energy.”

The videos are available on The Consumer Council’s website ( and YouTube channel. For more information on home energy, including getting the best price tariff, free phone 0800 121 6022 or email [email protected]

Last updated 4 years 9 months ago