Education Programme 2013

We are delighted to announce the details of our Education Programme 2013.

Registration is essential, email

Here NI Education PRgramme Starting September 16thRegistration closes September 9th Monday 7pm - 8.30pm - Guitar LessonsTuesday 7pm to 9pm - Health Course (First 6 weeks - nutrition and identifying stressful triggers, managing daily stresses.  Last 6 weeks - Bach Flower Remedies - mising your own flower remedies for stress relief).Thursday 6pm to 7pm English (GCSE Equivalent)                  6pm to 7pm Maths (GCSE Equivalent)For Children aged 8 - 18 years (To be confirmed)Animation Project  in partnership with Belfast Wheelworks:  Young people will be invited to attend the animation short course to develop an animated short film about inclusive and diverse families. ALL COURSES £2.00 PER CLASS - TO REGISTER ON ANY CLASS PLEASE CONTACT or telephone 028 90249452. HERE NI IS A PLACE FOR LESBIAN & BISEXUAL WOMEN 
Last updated 11 years 6 months ago