DSD Small Grants for Volunteering 2015/2016 - Now Open!!
Grants of between £200 and £1,200 are available to organisations working with Volunteers in Northern Ireland. Online application forms are now available.
The overall aim of the scheme is to increase diversity within volunteering in Northern Ireland. There are four key objectives:
to increase volunteer activity by groups under-represented in the volunteering population, including people not in paid work;
to increase numbers of new volunteers;
to promote innovative methods of recruiting new volunteers;
- to promote innovative methods of engaging with and supporting both new and existing volunteers.
To be eligible organisations must meet at least one of the objectives. Groups must be constituted and must not have an annual income exceeding £100,000 per year.
For more details on the Small Grants scheme and to download an application pack go to www.aivcni.co.uk
Closing date for applications Friday 29th May 2015 @ 12 NOON
For further information please contact:
Johnny McShane
Grants Officer
24d Benevenagh Drive,
BT49 0AQ

Association of Independent Volunteer Centres
United Kingdom