Do You Care or Support a Person affected with Dementia?

Alzheimer's Society is delivering a Free Carer Information and Support Programme-CrISP in S.Trust area.
The 5 week workshop programme provides information, understanding more about dementia and an opportunity to talk with others in a small group setting.

CrISP is a series of workshops for people caring or supporting a family member or friend with a diagnosis of dementia. It provides an opportunity for you to talk freely in a friendly and confidential environment about your experiences and the impact they are having on you. The group size is no more than 12 people.

Week 1

Welcome ,Introduction and sharing your story

Week 2

Understanding Dementia

Looking at the physical,psychological and emotional impact of dementia

Week 3

Legal and Money matters

Explores the legal and financial issues that may arise in the future

Week 4

Providing Support and Care

Exploring concerns and challenges that may arise when supporting a person affected with dementia

Week 5

Coping day to day

Looking at the physical,pschological and emotional impact that dementia may have on you as a carer.

What people have said after attending these workshops.

Very useful information. I have learned a lot.

Hearing other people's experiences.

The way everything was explained was good.Presented in a friendly and professional way.

I understand how to respond better to the person with dementia in stressful situations.

Excellent workshops. Good facilitator.


If you are intertested in attending the programme in your area - Please contact

Heather Von Loggerenberg - Dementia Support Worker -CrISP facilitator

077183 22722 or 028 302 56057






Last updated 9 years 7 months ago