DIY Committee Guide rebooted

The revised Code of Good Governance was launched earlier this year by the Developing Governance Group and as promised, the DIY committee guide website has now been launched after a complete revamp.

Thanks to funding from Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland and Awards for All, this online governance resource is now easier to access via tablets, smartphones as well as computers which should enable trustees to obtain the information they need more freely.  The Governance Health Check has also been revised and is available to download from the website.

Both of these new complimentary resources to the Code have been devised to provide practical information and a self-assessment framework for voluntary boards to assess their own governance practices, identify areas for improvement and demonstrate accountability. 

Visit for further information on these resources and the five new principles of the Code of Good Governance. 


The Developing Governance Group is a collaborative partnership made up of the following sector support organisations: NICVA, Volunteer Now, Youthnet, Arts & Business NI, Rural Community Network, Early Years, Supporting Communities NI, NI Sports Forum, Sport NI, Age NI and recently joined in 2016 both Business in the Community and CO3.

Last updated 8 years 2 months ago