VIEWdigital the Belfast based Publishing & Media Training Social Enterprise will be running a Digital Media Masterclass on Thursday October 27 with CO3 (Chief Officers 3rd Sector) at City East Business Centre close to Belfast city centre from 12 - 1.30pm.

Discounts on October training 

The Digital Media Masterclass is FREE to CO3 members and is one of the media courses led by industry professionals and hosted by VIEWdigital in October with special discounts for Social Enterprises and CENI to mark #SocialSaturday2016.

We will also be linking up with The Book Reserve and supporting their Social Enterprise Mini Market this month too.

Communicating the story about the impact of your organisation is important. It is all about telling your story well with the digital tools and channels available to you and your audience. Infographics, Video, Photographs have always been used to illustrate stories in the media and now organisations of all types have found it is a brilliant way to get the attention of their 'audience' - who are often 'grazing' on web and social media sites via their mobile phones.

We have gathered together a group of media training associates who can help you to tell your organisation's story. Our trainers all have significant experience working in Broadcasting, Newspapers and Digital Media.

Better Communicate Your Impact

Is your organisation looking to improve your staffs' skills to create in-house infographics and better communicate your impact? VIEWdigital is running a half day Infographics & Design Workshop on Thursday 13th October 2016. Taught by graphic designer, researcher and lecturer Dr Ruth Brolly, participants will learn how to create visually stimulating infographics grounded in the knowledge of good design, typographic and graphic design practice using free and easily accessible online software. Quote 'CENI News' when booking your place to get a 10% discount. There are more details about the course in the Training section of the VIEWdigital website

Digital media 

VIEWdigital has been publishing its own digital media content for nearly five years in VIEW social affairs magazine and the VIEWdigital web and social media channels.

sigN Up today

 Why not check out our October training courses and sign up to receive a FREE copy of VIEW magazine and our training updates. If you would like more information email [email protected]


Last updated 7 years 8 months ago