Developing cyber resilience in the voluntary and community sector

Developing cyber resilience in the voluntary and community sector

As our ability to harness technology and digital services for voluntary and community activity grows so too does the challenge of keeping our organisations safe from cyber fraud and data breaches.

Email fraud, ransomware attacks and breaches are risks for all organisations now regardless of size or sector.   Local playgroups or sports clubs through to international household name charities are all vulnerable and ensuring that we keep information about the people we work with secure is a top priority for most organisations.  In addition, preventing fraud and complying with regulatory requirements such as GDPR are key organisational governance issues for us all. 

Partnership approach

While many organisations have made significant improvements to their information security capability, we know that it can be challenging for smaller and medium sized organisations to access the services and skills and support that is needed to make cyber resilience a core foundation. Tackling these challenges requires a partnership approach. 

NICVA is bringing key stakeholders and interested parties together to gather views on the challenges facing organisations and expertise to identify key focus areas to improve cyber resilience across the sector.    

Design thinking

NICVA has engaged Work West to facilitate two sessions to take a broad range of perspectives using their “Thinc Social” process which has its basis in design and creative thinking.     

If you are responsible for data protectionrisk managementorganisational governancetechnology managementservice management or communications these sessions are an opportunity to share and hear insights from your peers and shape the roadmap to improving cyber resilience in the voluntary sector.

You can sign up to one of two sessions by clicking below:


For more information on the workshops, contact Stephen Gray, Head of Information Management at NICVA on 028 9087 7777 or email [email protected].


Last updated 5 years 3 months ago