Department of Justice Consultative Forum seeks sector representatives

NICVA is currently seeking nominations for voluntary and community sector representatives on the Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Consultative Forum, linked to the Criminal Justice Board.

The Board’s membership consists of Chief Executive level representatives from each of the criminal justice agencies in Northern Ireland.

The Criminal Justice Inspection report “The impact of Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 on the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland”, published in May 2009, recommended “to establish a consultative forum encompassing the major criminal justice agencies and to review in conjunction with the section 75 representative groups, current consultation methods across the criminal justice system”.

DOJ is now able to take this forward and is seeking six representatives at Chief Executive level to join the consultative forum.

The purpose of the Criminal Justice Consultative Forum is:

  • To provide support and advice on current mechanisms for consultation and give suggestions as to how the criminal justice agencies could improve current performance.
  • To highlight areas of good practice and to identify where improvements could be made.
  • To raise issues of strategic significance with the Criminal Justice Board.
  • To provide advice and views as required by the Criminal Justice Board.

Nominees representing the sector will be expected to disseminate information about the work of the Criminal Justice Consultative Forum and proactively seek input to the forum on the consultative methods used by DOJ.

The nomination process includes a form which needs to be submitted by Friday 23 November. Representatives will be selected at the end of November by the NICVA Executive Committee.

The nomination form can be downloaded below. If you would like any further information, please contact Patricia Stewart on 028 9087 7777 or [email protected].

Last updated 11 years 7 months ago