Department for Communities supports pilot Investment Readiness Programme

The Department for Communities is supporting a pilot Investment Readiness Programme.

The key aims of this Investment Readiness Programme are:

  • to stimulate awareness of social finance and investment in the voluntary and community and social enterprise sector. 
  • to help these organisations assess their current investment readiness, including financial capability, impact/outcome sustainability . 
  • to support organisations develop their investment readiness and take forward plans for investment. 

PwC has been appointed to develop and pilot the programme over the next six months. To help raise awareness of the support and guidance materials available and make it easier for organisations to access them PWC are currently putting together a toolkit of high quality existing resources. This toolkit will allow organisations to determine their own investment readiness. Through the programme they will also provide one to one support to a small number of organisations to address their development needs and help them to secure investment. Throughout the pilot the project team will be capturing insights and recommendations to inform future investment readiness support.

The project team is currently engaging key stakeholders and will be running two introductory events for organisations in mid October. Further updates on how to get involved will follow.

If you would like more information about the pilot programme please contact the project manager, Beth Young, at [email protected] or William Redpath in Voluntary and Community Division in DfC at [email protected].


Last updated 7 years 9 months ago