Dee Consulting now open to help charities fundraising
Having provided fundraising advice and training through my role with NICVA to many local charities of all services and sizes, I am confident I can help your charity develop sustainable fundraising.
I have worked in the Voluntary Sector in NI for over 13 years and have accrued a considerable depth of knowledge in good fundraising and sustainability.
I am passionate about driving local charitable services through ethical and smart fundraising and now have the academic backing to my practical fundraising experience, having recently studied and awarded a merit in the Institute of Fundraising diploma.
Deirdre Murphy MInstF (Dip)
It's always better to have a face to face chat. Give me a call to arrange a meeting and we can discuss the finer details of what your organisation needs. See if some of the below scenarios resonate with you:
- We are a small charity with limited resources and don’t have a dedicated fundraiser.
- We are a growing charity but need fundraising direction to ensure long term sustainability.
- We are a well-established charity and would like to develop new areas of fundraising.
I can help review your fundraising techniques, develop a fundraising strategy and provide hands on support in the areas listed below.
- Fundraising Strategy Assessment & Development
- Training, Mentoring & Coaching
- Corporate Relationships
- Developing Major Donors
- Legacy Fundraising
- Trusts & Foundations
- Digital Marketing
- Administration & Development Support
For more information on each of these, visit my website www.deeconsulting.co.uk
Thank you.