Do you need easy to access comparitable statistics for Armagh, Dungannon, Fermanagh, Omagh, Cookstown, Leitrim, Sligo, Donegal, Monaghan or Cavan?
Then DataCENTRAL is for you -

The Irish Central Border Area Network (ICBAN) is pleased to announce the launch of our new DataCENTRAL Section on our website (  This is a free and easy to use facility that focuses on statistical information for the Central Border Region, which incorporates the Council areas of Armagh, Cavan, Cookstown, Donegal, Dungannon, Fermanagh, Leitrim, Monaghan, Omagh and Sligo. 

The information contained within DataCENTRAL is the result of an 18 month project under ICBAN’s Spatial Planning Initiative which has been funded through INTERREG IVA managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). 

The site consists of three main sections, namely:

  1. DataMAPPING – This interactive map-based section features a range of topics such as demography, employment/unemployment.
  2. DataPROFILE - An electronic document containing extensive high-quality data for each Council area, with a detailed commentary on the statistics and also supplementary hyperlinks.
  3. Summary PROFILE – Provides data specific to each of the Council areas.

We believe that the information on the site is an invaluable resource.  The information will benefit many stakeholders for a variety of uses including completing funding/grant applications, research purposes and in aiding decision-making. 

Due to the nature of the information contained within the Data Profile we envisage regular updates and we therefore encourage our users to provide us with feedback on necessary changes.

We would be much obliged if you could share this resource with any other organisations you believe would benefit from this type of statistical information. 

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last updated 10 years 8 months ago