Culture Night In the Community

Community Arts Partnership has teamed up with Culture Night Belfast to offer community groups across the city to a range of special initiatives which will offer groups the opportunity to experience and contribute to Culture Night.

Culture Night Belfast is back for its forth year on Friday 21 September.  This colourful and inclusive celebration will transform and animate the streets of Belfast.  An exciting night is in store with film, theatre, dance, art, music, exhibitions, workshops and much more.

This year Community Arts Partnership has teamed up with Culture Night Belfast to welcome community groups across the city to this unique event. A range of special initiatives will offer groups the opportunity to experience and contribute to Culture Night.

Community Arts Partnership’s principal funder is the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, along with support from Belfast City Council, Lloyds TSB Foundation NI, Building Change Trust and the European Regional Development Fund.

Francesca Biondi, Development Manager with Community Arts Partnership said:

We are happy to offer additional activities within the Culture Night Belfast programme especially for community groups and would encourage interested groups to take part in the run up to Culture Night and on the night itself.”


Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19, Thursday 20 September, 7-9pm

Assembly Rooms, 2 Waring Street

A series of arts workshops will take place in the run up to Culture Night. The art works created will be included in the Arts & Communities Exhibition.

Free transport is available for groups.

  • A Dress to Impress ~ Come along and make the biggest festive dress ever for Culture Night celebrations
  • Belfast wall ~ Leave your mark on a wall to show and tell what is special about the city and its people
  • Love & Peace Message Board ~ Leave a message with your thoughts and feelings about love and peace.

The community arts workshops will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.


Friday 21 September

Tours: 5-6.45pm and 7-8.45 pm leaving from Culture Night Hub in the University of Ulster

If you are new to Culture Night or not too sure about which shows to pick, join our tours. Our friendly and knowledgeable guides will lead community groups and community leaders through the streets to experience an exciting range of events.

Free transport is available for groups.


Friday 21 September 4-10pm - Assembly Rooms

Communities engage in the arts to express their creativity and bring positive change. This exhibition showcases the diverse works and talent of community groups across Belfast.

DROP-IN WORKSHOPS (open to community groups and the general public)

Saturday 15 September 2-4pm, Friday 21 September 5-8pm – Assembly Rooms

Arts and crafts workshops for everyone. Get creative and have fun!

If you are part of a community group in the Belfast area and would like further information or wish to book a place, contact Francesca [email protected] T 90923493.

For further info about Culture Night, visit

Culture Night Belfast is supported under Belfast Peace III Plan by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund through the Peace III Programme.

Last updated 11 years 9 months ago