Countdown begins to a new Charter for Trees, Woods and People

Tree dressing events mark one year to go until launch

More than 50 cross-sector organisations call for public support in safeguarding the future of the UK’s trees and woods.

November 2017 will be a historic moment for our trees and woods.  Eight hundred years after the 1217 Charter of the Forest re-established people’s rights to access and use the Royal Forests, a new charter will be launched to bring the value of trees back to the forefront of public consciousness and political decision-making.

Today’s charter, with the importance of trees and woodland still firmly at the core, will reach out to every corner of the UK.

The Charter for Trees, Woods and People will be a set of key principles, created by the public and organisations, guiding policy and practice throughout the country.

The campaign is led by the Woodland Trust, which chairs a steering group of 57 organisations representing forestry, conservation, community woodlands, local governance, faith groups, health and more.

Patrick Cregg is the director of the Woodland Trust and says: “Never before have so many diverse organisations come together to speak with one voice about the future of trees and woods. The fact that they have done so reflects the severity of the situation facing our woods today.  They are under real pressure, with planting rates at their lowest and the ever increasing threat of tree disease.  We need politicians and society to recognise the true value of this natural asset – and that means people of all backgrounds speaking up about how they feel trees enhance their lives.

“It’s a movement that’s particularly meaningful to Northern Ireland, where woodland has a turbulent history and, currently covering just 8 per cent of the land, is a scarce and precious resource3.”

The organisations are calling for people to add their voice by sharing what they think is important about trees and woods. 

They are encouraging people to get together with friends, family and colleagues to ‘re-leaf a winter tree’ to mark Tree Dressing Day (4 December), which falls at the end of the Tree Council’s National Tree Week (26November to 4 December this year).

Free tree dressing packs are available and contain instructions and leaf templates.  People can decorate the leaves and share their stories or thoughts on the value of trees.  The leaves will then be sent in to help inform the charter and to demonstrate public support for trees and woodland.

Hundreds of tree dressing events will take place in communities, schools, universities and companies throughout National Tree Week.

Simon Lloyd, Royal Forestry Society CEO, added: “For woodlands to provide the environmental, economic and social benefits we all desire, they need to be managed. This charter will provide an evidence base of public and professional support to help decision makers – from planners to health professionals – support woodland landscapes new and old, and encourage more owners to value and manage their existing woods.”

Find out more and share a story online at  or to order a free tree dressing pack simply email [email protected]  with your name, postal address and details of your event. Please specify how many people you expect to attend.

Last updated 7 years 7 months ago