Corporate Volunteering – A Dynamic Global Force

Volunteer Now, in partnership with Business in the Community welcomed Dr Kenn Allen to address an audience of public, private and voluntary organisations at BT Tower Belfast


Volunteer Now, in partnership with Business in the Community  welcomed Dr Kenn Allen, President of Civil Society Consulting Group LLC and author of ‘The Big Tent: Corporate Volunteering in the Global Age’ to address an audience of public, private and voluntary sector organisations, at a breakfast event which was hosted by BT in Belfast. 

Dr Allen of Washington DC is involved in a global consulting practice that works with leaders in business, government and NGO’s to ‘unleash the power of people to change the world’.   In 2009-2011 he served as director of the Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project, the first truly global study of its kind.   Thirty years ago he led the first systematic research that defined ‘corporate volunteering’ as a field of activity. 

He is a former World President of the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) and served in senior executive leadership roles at the Points of Light Foundation and the National Centre for Voluntary Action in the United States.   He has consulted in over 30 countries, in every region of the world and is the author of numerous books, studies and articles.    

Wendy Osborne OBE, CEO Volunteer Now said, “Business worldwide are encouraging and enabling their most important assets - their people – to commit their time, skills and energy as volunteers in the community. We are delighted to welcome Dr Allen to Northern Ireland and to hear him speak so passionately about the inspiring practices, innovations and challenges that define corporate volunteering as a powerful force for change.    These Employer Supported Volunteers make a tremendous contribution to communities, and certainly within Northern Ireland we know that many local organisations wouldn’t be able to deliver services deeply valued by many people without their time and dedication. “

Business in the Community's Volunteering Manager, Hilary Hanberry, said: "This is Responsible Business Week across the UK, so timing was perfect for Kenn's visit. Employer supported volunteering is an important tool for businesses who want to upskill their people, build their teams and do something good in the local community. It is gathering momentum herein Northern Ireland and Kenn's experience helped endorse the importance of volunteering for everyone."

Last updated 11 years 2 months ago