Coronavirus - Play Matters more than it ever did!
Presently, we are all experiencing many changes in our normal routines and lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus has changed everything including our children’s normal routines and access to their usual play environments. Normally places of education and learning, schools have now been appropriated as places of care and safety for the families of essential front line keyworkers. So, for schools and for our children it isn’t business as usual!
Regardless of the back drop it is important to remember that children still want and need to play. Play and playing continues to be an essential aspect of children’s lives. According to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2013) opportunities for play have a significant role in helping children recover a sense of normality and joy after their experience of loss, dislocation and trauma.
Download the information sheet at https://www.playboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Coronavirus-Play-Matters-More-Than-It-Ever-Did.pdf