Core Funding and Free Training for Health Charities - 2013 GSK IMPACT Awards

GSK’s IMPACT Awards are now open for applications. If you are a health charity seeking core funding go to

The GSK IMPACT Awards provide core funding, training and national recognition for small to medium sized charities working in health care. In 2013 up to 20 awards will be made ranging from £3,000 to £40,000. If you apply for a GSK IMPACT Award you do not need to present a new project as the application focuses on what you have already achieved. To be eligible you must have been operating for at least three years, have income between £10,000 and £1.5 million and be working in a health related field in the UK.

 Winning organisations will have a professional film made and will receive support with press and publicity. They will also be offered two places on the GSK IMPACT Awards Development Network training programme valued at £4,000 for each organisation. In 2012 participants worked on leadership skills, strategic planning, health policy and commissioning, evaluation, financial management and governance, using new media, human resource management, collaborations, social enterprise and presentation skills. In 2013 there will be three days of training leading up to the high profile GSK IMPACT Awards ceremony at the Science Museum. After this participants will be invited to join the wider GSK IMPACT Awards Network to work in smaller groups which will include previous award winners.

 To apply for a GSK IMPACT Award or to find out about the training, the 2012 winners or to view their films go to:

 Closing date for applications: Friday 21 September 2012

Last updated 11 years 10 months ago