Coping with a loved one's addiction Family Support Group

Lead by an experienced alcohol & drug counsellor, this family support group will help individuals aged over 18 to cope with their family member's, partners, child, parents or friends addiction.

This group is for anyone who is affected by someone else’s alcohol and/or drug use. This could be a family member, a partner or a friend. This group is for family members, partners and friends aged over 18, but the person with the alcohol and / or drug problem can be any age.

Support Group will be running in our East Belfast centre from Monday 5th March 2012

The group gives an opportunity for structured support to be given to people affected by someone else’s alcohol and /or drug use. The group will be lead by an experienced alcohol and drug counsellor.

Issues will be discussed including:
- How can I best cope with someone else’s alcohol or drug use?
- What happens when a family disagrees over what to do?
- Is there a role for “tough love” or is support always best?
- Impacts on a family member, partner or friend’s own health and wellbeing?
- What other supports are available in the area?

The group will run for 10 weeks.

The group is free to attend

The group starts on Monday 5th March at 6-30pm – 8pm in Addiction NI, 219 Albertbridge Road.

To book a place on the group, ring 028 90664434 between 9am and 5pm.


Last updated 12 years 11 months ago