Consumer Parliament: Fermanagh and Omagh residents raise important local issues

The Consumer Council held its first regional Consumer Parliament in Enniskillen on 7 February.

The event gave consumers the opportunity to discuss and debate local issues such as local public transport provision, broadband speeds, water quality, the cost of energy, and consumer rights.

John French, Chief Executive at The Consumer Council, said: “It was great to get the engagement and feedback from consumers at our regional Consumer Parliament in Enniskillen last week.

“Issues were raised in regards to local bus services, energy costs, water quality in Lough Erne, broadband provision and speeds, and consumer rights both online and on the high street. The Consumer Council will take these issues forward with service providers, such as Translink and Northern Ireland Water, and regulators.”

John added: “Consumers in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council region will have a further opportunity to discuss their consumer views at the regional parliament taking place at the Strathroy Community Centre in Omagh on 17 February, or in our Northern Ireland Consumer Parliament in the Assembly Buildings Conference Centre in Belfast on 6 March."

Further details for both these of free events can be found on our website:

Last updated 4 years 4 months ago