The Consumer Council comments on latest Translink performance results

Following today’s publication of Translink’s Passenger Charter standards performance results, The Consumer Council is happy to see that Northern Ireland consumers continue to show their satisfaction with Translink’s overall service.

Richard Williams, Head of Transport Policy at The Consumer Council, said: “Passenger satisfaction with Translink’s services remains high overall and we are pleased to see that Translink has achieved almost all of its Passenger Charter targets. These results have been gathered at the end of a period during which Translink grew their customer numbers across all services, made its Belfast Metro service easier for consumers to use and celebrated the success of the Glider service in Belfast.

“If Translink is to continue with its success in increasing passenger numbers and making public transport the first choice for travel, it must continue to take action to maintain its high customer satisfaction levels, which have dipped slightly since last year. This is particularly the case in Belfast where, despite the success of the Glider service, Metro satisfaction levels have dropped over the last two years and in this survey it is the only division of Translink that missed its Passenger Charter target for reliability.”

Richard added, “The Consumer Council will continue to work with Translink to identify where and why its services are falling short of expectations and help them take action to ensure that this dip does not become a trend.”

Last updated 4 years 8 months ago