Consultation on Public Art/Memorial in the City Cemetery (Baby Public plot) – “All Names Known”

Belfast City Council has received a request for a permanent memorial to mark a particular area of the City Cemetery and in response to this Community Arts Project launched a public consultation process.


Context and background

Almost 8000 bodies, which were mostly babies, were buried within a space in the City Cemetery, which is now known as the Baby Public Plot. There are many reasons why these deceased were buried in this particular space and these differ due to the age, possibly social background or circumstances of the death. The stories vary as much as their names.

The little ones who would have been still born or died shortly after their birth and that time, the hospital and social services took responsibility for their burials. Whilst the Council has records for all who are buried within this plot, no one individual owns specific graves and therefore there are no visible exclusive headstones or memorials to serve as a touchstone.


In recent years, there has been a call for a memorial to acknowledge the deceased in this part of the cemetery. Aware that this is a very sensitive and emotional issue, Belfast City Council has asked the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) to oversee a public consultation which will use arts techniques as the focus to develop an appropriate response and inspire a piece of public art. The process will be facilitated by CAP project coordinator and artist, Carole Kane.

CAP is warmly inviting and would like to engage those who are associated with, have been effected by this situation or the wider empathising public, to take part in this creative and responsive consultation process.

The situation around the Baby Public plot is a unique set of circumstances of extreme high sensitivity and the emphasis is for us to respond through an artistic process. Ultimately we will endeavour to create a space to let people bring grace and dignity to their story of loss. By using our hands in what might be a new creative activity and taking a little time, this will hopefully happen. This is not therapy although we can link people to appropriate organisations should this need be identified but the focus of the consultation is what happens through creative interaction.

Basically, one part of this process will ask some people (and possibly the majority) to leave flowers in an identified area of the Cemetery, while others will be supported through making hand-made paper using the flowers, petals and flora.

At this stage, we can not anticipate how many from the public are likely to take part, so we are asking those interested to register on the Belfast City Council website or contact Carole Kane in the CAP office (links below) as soon as possible as this will allow us to plan and respond. We will then have a clearer idea of how this creative experience might emerge and take shape. We are keen to invite as many people as would like to come forward and the cooperation of the public is greatly appreciated.

There are also likely to be some who have been effected by losing a baby or loved one during the mentioned period, who feel that they do not want to get involved in this consultation. They may feel that for their own reasons, they would like to leave the closure of their experience in the past. This is completely acceptable. Your silence is respected and honoured.

You can respond to the consultation at this link:

If you would like to find out about the project in general, about the different ways in which you can get involved, or register your involvement, contact Carole Kane by emailing: [email protected] or call 028 90923493.

Last updated 8 years 7 months ago