Consultation launched on new community planning partners

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan has launched a consultation to determine which organisations should be community planning statutory partners.

Under local government reform, councils will have a new duty of community planning from 1 April 2015. This involves bringing together all the services and functions that are delivered in a council area and producing a plan that sets out the future direction of that area. The purpose is to improve service delivery for the benefit of citizens.

Northern Ireland’s 11 new councils will lead the process and whilst a wide number of businesses, voluntary organisations, community and other groups will all make vital contributions to community planning, it is beneficial that a number of key public sector organisations are required to participate.

Minister Durkan said: “Community Planning will help us work together to improve the social, economic and environmental well being of our council areas. It’s all about partnership working and best using the available resources to make a positive difference to people’s lives.

“Councils in Scotland, England and Wales have been successfully operating community planning for the last 10 to 15 years. This is now an exciting opportunity for Northern Ireland; one that will give councils, agencies and the wider community a chance to collaborate and be more flexible to the particular needs of their area.”

He added: “This consultation will ensure that we have the right organisations around the table so that community planning can start in earnest next April.”

The consultation will close on 12 December 2014. The document is available to view and respond to online at  Hard copies and copies in alternative formats are available on request by phoning 028 9051 2629.

Last updated 9 years 8 months ago