Consultation: improving outcomes for black and minority ethnic children and young people across Northern Ireland

The Chairs of the BME Children and Young People's Sub Group are consulting widely about the issues of most concern affecting black and minority ethnic children, young people and their families. Consultation ends 2 April.

Your views are being sought about how to improve outcomes for black and minority ethnic children and young people across Northern Ireland.  A regional sub group with membership from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors has been set up by the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership- the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Children and Young People’s Sub Group. 

The BME Children and Young People’s Sub Group is consulting about the most concerning issues affecting this specific group of children, young people and their families.   The responses received from this consultation will inform the actions plan for this group, which form part of the Northern Ireland Children and Young People’s Plan.

The consultation will run for 12 weeks and will end on 2April 2013.

This consultation document is attached for download below and also available on the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP) website:

or by contacting Andrew Hawthorne:

Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership
Health and Social Care Board
12-22 Linenhall St


T: 028 90553979

As many people as possible are encouraged to have their say and and you are welcome to distribute this information as far and wide as possible.

Last updated 7 years 4 months ago