Community Life - A BBC television Appeal on behalf of The Fostering Network

Community Life - A BBC television Appeal on behalf of The Fostering Network

The Fostering Network provides a range of support, information and advice about foster care. It works with 2,100 fostering families across the region and all of the local fostering organisations and providers.

Fostering can be a life changing experience, not only for children who live in a foster home but also for foster carers who often make a huge difference in a child’s life.

Over 2000 children and young people are currently living in foster care across Northern Ireland. Each of them requires a foster carer who can meet their particular needs.

New foster carers are always required. If you think that you could help, or want to get involved, please contact  The Fostering Network on 028 9070 5056. You can also find out more about the charity by visiting its website

To watch the televison Appeal please click here

The programme also features Northern Ireland Assistance Dogs and the Charity Commission.

Last updated 7 years 3 months ago
Community Life - A BBC television Appeal on behalf of The Fostering Network