Cochrane Training in Systematic Reviews

A series of half-day introductory and two-day intensive courses plus Fellowships. Suitable for NI reseachers employed in Health and Social Care, voluntary/not-for-profit bodies providing health andsocial care or within academic institutions.

The Cochrane Collaboration is a not-for-profit independent organisation dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare interventions readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions in over fifty topic areas and makes them available as The Cochrane Library. In 2002, Ireland became the first country to provide free national access to the Cochrane Library, an initiative co-funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) and the Health and Social Care Research and Development Division, Public Health Agency (HSC R&D Division) in Northern Ireland. In addition to providing and promoting free national access, the HRB and HSC R&D Division have developed an annual series of training courses in conjunction with the UK Cochrane Centre, and a Fellowship scheme to allow health and social care professionals, researchers and policy makers protected time to develop their capacity in conducting systematic reviews.

As part of its capacity-building programme for 2012, HSC R&D Division, Public Health Agency invites applications for two opportunities from the Cochrane Collaboration:


The Cochrane programme for 2012 offers a series of half-day introductory courses and two-day intensive courses. These courses are suitable for those in a health and social care setting who require an understanding of the importance of evidence-based practice, for those who wish to improve their practice or for those considering preparing systematic reviews.

One half-day introductory course will take place in Northern Ireland on 19 June 2012. On completion of the half-day course, participants should have a thorough background knowledge of the Cochrane Collaboration and its importance in informing evidence-based health and social care provision. 

Two-day systematic review courses will take place at the following venues:

Cork, 26-27 June 2012
Belfast, 7-8 August 2012
Galway, 18-19 September 2012
Dublin, 23-24 October 2012

On completion of the two-day course, participants should have increased confidence and ability to embark on their own systematic review and be able to position this within the Cochrane Collaboration. They should also be better able to interpret the results of systematic reviews done by others. To be eligible for a place on these courses, applicants must be employed in Northern Ireland, within Health and Social Care (HSC), voluntary/not-for-profit organisations providing health and social care or within an academic institution. 

Closing date for applications to attend the Cochrane Systematic Review Courses 2012: 4pm on Friday 20 April 2012

For more information, please contact: Nicola McGinn Tel: 028 9055 3617 email: [email protected]


The aim of the Cochrane Fellowship scheme is to build capacity in conducting systematic reviews in the health and social care field in Ireland and Northern Ireland, and to free up protected time for applicants to conduct and maintain a systematic review and to generate a body of systematic reviews, led by Irish and Northern Irish reviewers, for inclusion in the worldwide Cochrane Library. 

Applicants must be employed in Northern Ireland, within Health and Social Care (HSC), voluntary/not-for-profit organisations providing health and social care or within an academic institution. The Fellowship provides the Fellow with protected time for up to two days per week for up to two years. The award covers systematic review training costs, salary costs and research expenses.

Closing date for applications to the Cochrane Fellowship Scheme 2012: 4pm on Friday 22 June 2012

For more information about the fellowship scheme, please contact: Joanne O’Neill Tel:  028 9055 3617 email: [email protected]

Information guidance and application forms can be otained from the PHA website

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago